Production Notes 6/10/06
(Above) A Selection of favorite pictures from the shoot.
Today we returned to the hospital with some old friends in tow. Upon arrival, we made a close call with a passive cop cruiser, and we ended up trekking around some large dirt mounds and into the woods. We found ourselves in the outer regions of the eastern building, parallel to the cruiser. We stalked the back-woods, looking in to what appeared to be an old storage bin, and later some run-down and now decrepit old staff buildings. We traced out steps back to the side of the east building, and followed the wall to the back of the building, to avoid detection. When we failed to find a usable way in, we returned to the now un-watched main entrance. From there we filmed again in the side court-yard, and then made the discover of a small opening into the apprently un-tocuhed autoclave room. We recovered a few artifacts, and as the sun slowly broke through the rain clouds, we moved out.
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